Rules of MMSDOSE
1. All posts must be entirely in English.
2. Post in the proper sections.
3. Before posting, you must review Allowed, Banned and Preferred Hosts.
4. Do not use CAPS ,Special Fonts and Characters in thread's title!
5. Use at least one thumbnails when posting videos or zipped images. (DO NOT post password protected zip files )
6. You should be 18+.
7. Аlways include text information with file size, file type and playing time when posting video / zipped images links.
8. Include sample one image with zipped images when posting picture links. (DO NOT post password protected zip files )
9. Do not post your or others' personal information Like : and(Name , Address , Phone number , Email ID , Social Media ID)
10. Don't ask for others personal information Like : ( Name , Address , Phone number , Email ID , Social Media ID) or personal items or pics / videos of our members ).
11. Don’t share your Personal Information Like : ( Name ,Address ,Mail id's / Facebook Id's / What's app Number's / Payment id's / Photos / Phone Number's any where in the forum Except to @mmsdose .
12. You may NOT have more than one account.
13. Do not flood or mass post anything.
14. Accounts determined to be abusing automated posting software (posting bots), will be banned.
15. DO NOT post files without file extension or wrong different extension.
16. No same Threads should be posted If Member who has already posted.
17. DO NOT post off topic comments.
18. Do not Upload Files by archiving the content and adding the other site information.
19. Do not post watermarked videos or images (will be banned).
20. DO NOT post links to websites, blogs, folders or other forums.
21, DO NOT post videos in zip file.
22. Do not spam***.
* What is Spam?
o This are examples of SPAM messages on forums :
+ hellowwwwwwww, hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, Goooooooooooood , Superrrrrrrrrrrrr
+ 1.jkjkjkjkljkjkjkk
+ 2.ttttttttssssss
+ 3.uuuuuuuuopo
+ skskspfkspkfp'dk
+ (irrelavent to topic)
23. MAY NOT use the forum for commercial purposes or post spam.
24. You MAY NOT use money generating redirecting links (i.e. link-bucks, gplinks,dulinks)
25. DO NOT post links requiring registration or premium subscription to download.
26. NEVER use a pay-site or any site name in usernames thread titles, posts titles, link names or text of posts.
27. NEVER use Email id , phone numbers , social media ids as usernames.
28. No Child Porn No Under 18 year (Nude Or Non Nude), No Rape, No Violence, No Animal Sex or No illegal porn !.
The following content is strictly PROHIBITED:
- videos / images featuring persons under 18 years old (Nude Or Non Nude).
- videos / images portraying illegal porn.
- videos / images portraying bestiality (sex with animals).
- videos / images portraying 'scat'.
- videos / images portraying scenes of rape (real or simulated)(force sex), including any reference to "rape".
- There are many females that browse, contribute and help moderate.
- Let's try to respect each other and the women posted here.
- Do not use names like "slut", "bitch", "whore" etc... when describing women. It is offensive and we don't need that here!.
- Do not use the above terms in the titles of your post.
- Do not use the following terms in your titles or in the content of your threads: "very young", "young", "young teen", "barely legal".
- If the girls in your thread fit these descriptions you shouldn't be posting them so use some common sense!.